Assembly Tutorial (As Requested)

Now i'm trying to get you know better about assembly language as requested by our friends. (frndskiller & team)

First thing ya need to know is a little jargon so you can talk about the basic data structures with your friends and neighbors. They are (in order of increasing size) BIT, NIBBLE, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, FWORD, PWORD and QWORD, PARA, KiloByte, MegaByte. The ones that you'll need to memorize are BYTE, WORD, DWORD, KiloByte, and MegaByte. The others aren't used all that
much, and you wont need to know them to get started. Here's a little graphical representation of a few of those data structures:

(The zeros in between the || is a graphical representation of the number of bits in that data structure.)

1 BIT : |0|

The simplest piece of data that exists. Its either a 1 or a zero.
Put a string of them together and you have a BASE-2 number system.
Meaning that instead of each 'decimal' place being worth 10, its only
worth 2. For instance: 00000001 = 1; 00000010 = 2; 00000011 = 3, etc..

1 NIBBLE: |0000|
4 BITs

The NIBBLE is half a BYTE or four BITS. Note that it has a maximum value
of 15 (1111 = 15). Not by coincidence, HEXADECIMAL, a base 16 number
system (computers are based on this number system) also has a maximum
value of 15, which is represented by the letter 'F'. The 'digits' in
HEXADECIMAL are (in increasing order):


The standard notation for HEXADECIMAL is a zero followed by the number
in HEX followed by a lowercase "h" For instance: "0FFh" = 255 DECIMAL.

1 BYTE |00000000|
8 BITs

The BYTE is the standard chunk of information. If you asked how much
memory a machine had, you'd get a response stating the number of BYTEs it
had. (Usually preceded by a 'Mega' prefix). The BYTE is 8 BITs or
2 NIBBLEs. A BYTE has a maximum value of 0FFh (= 255 DECIMAL). Notice
that because a BYTE is just 2 NIBBLES, the HEXADECIMAL representation is
simply two HEX digits in a row (ie. 013h, 020h, 0AEh, etc..)

The BYTE is also that size of the 'BYTE sized' registers - AL, AH, BL, BH,

That's all for today :-).

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